
This is an introduction to my blog!

My name is Sarah Lanasier and I attend school at SMAN 3 Bandung and on this blog I'll be telling you everything about myself.

I was born on the 21st of January in 2004, in Bandung. All my life I've lived in Jakarta. I grew up there, I went to school for 12 years there, I made a lot of friends there, but now, due to my dad's job promotion, my entire family and I had no choice but to move to Bandung.

There are a few things about Bandung that I like more than Jakarta. For example, the weather. Jakarta is known for its extreme humidity and hot weather. People liked to say the only three seasons Jakarta has are hot, very hot, and rainy. Bandung is an obvious drastic change in weather and climate. It's obviously colder, and the sun doesn't seem to shine as brightly as it does in Jakarta.

Among some of my hobbies are music creation and playing musical instruments. Some instruments that I can play are the guitar, the bass guitar, and the drums. I also enjoy to create songs out of the blue. In 9th grade, our music teacher would give us certain genres and themes, and us students would have to create music from those two guidelines given. I won the music composing contest twice in 9th grade, and those achievements are among some of the few that I will hold dearly for the rest of my life.

My favorite artists include Guns N' Roses, Led Zeppelin, Arctic Monkeys, The 1975, NIKI, 88Rising, and many more. My taste in music varies among genres, and I listen to the genre depending on my mood.

When people ask me what my favorite subject is, my junior high school self would say science in general. But now that the subjects have gotten more and more advanced and in-depth, I would say my favorite subject is chemistry. I like chemistry because of its topics, and I really just find it interesting. I feel like with proper time and study it is a subject that I can really come to master in the future.

I am identified as an INTP in the Myers Briggs personality tests, which means that my personality is a person who is smart, critical, straightforward, and composed. But I have yet to prove those qualities in myself. I am a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but more specifically, the Captain America trilogy. I used to be a World War II geek, everything related to the US Military during the Second World War, I used to research and read up on. Captain America was set during the 40's, which I found interest in due to the timeline.

That's it about me so far, I'll see you next time!
Signing off, Sarah


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