
Showing posts from April, 2020

Rwandan Genocide

The Rwandan Genocide Sarah Lanasier, Wahida Nur Kamila, Rhayzan Ahsan, Zahra Kartika X MIPA 6 English Ms. Keisha, Ms. Wiwin 11 March 2020 Wars, Genocides, and Crimes against Humanity The Rwandan Genocide was a mass-killing of the Tutsi and moderate Hutu ethnic groups that took place in Rwanda, during the Rwandan Civil War. The killings happened over the course of 100 days exactly, taking place from April 7 to July 15, 1994. Over a million people were killed in this genocide, and it all started with ethnic tensions going around between the two ethnicities in Rwanda, the Tutsi and Hutus. Rwanda has been off to a rough start since before their independence in the early 1960s. For years they were under colonization of Belgium, which placed them under a trusteeship under a League of Nations mandate after the First World War. The Tutsi and Hutu groups were very similar to one another genetically, culturally, linguistically, and in many other ways. During the time of B